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Timothy Joseph Allen is an American figurative painter who has lived and worked in Rome, Italy for over twenty years. He earned a BA inStudio Art at DePauw University in 1992 and an MFA in Painting atIndiana University, Bloomington in 1998. He is the director of his own painting school, PADASOR (acronym for the Painting and Drawing ArtStudio of Rome), which he founded in 2010. He has also taught at The American University of Rome since 2006.His medium is oil on canvas and his style and subject matter are principally inspired by the Renaissance and Baroque. Of special importance to his process is painting from life: “I enjoy painting most when the presence of the subject and the limit of time combine to add urgency to my analysis, intuition and performance.”In recent years his work has been featured in several international competitions including the Royal Society of Portrait Painters, theModPortrait exhibition at the MEAM in Barcelona, the World Wide Kitschonline painting competition.Founder and President of the Association of Social Promotion A.P.S.PADASOR, Timothy Joseph Allen is an American professional painter who has been living and working in Rome, Italy for over twenty years. Hebegan his career in 1992, earning a BA in Studio Art at DePauwUniversity and an MFA in Painting at Indiana University, Bloomington in1998. He has also been teaching at The American University of Rome since 2006.His medium is oil on canvas and his style and subject matter are principally inspired by the Renaissance and Baroque. Of special importance to his process is painting from life: “I enjoy painting most when the presence of the subject and the limit of time combine to bring urgency to my analysis, intuition and performance.”In recent years his work has been pre-selected and/or selected in several international competitions including the Royal Society of PortraitPainters, the Mod Portrait competition at the MEAM museum inBarcelona, the Figurativas Painting and Sculpture Competition inBarcelona, the World Wide Kitsch online painting competition, and theBP National Gallery Portrait Competition in London. 

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Timothy Joseph Allen

Donated Artwork

The Nightstand
50 x 40 cm
Oil on linen
Value €

Timothy Joseph Allen

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