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Jarid Blue

Jarid Blue is a Brooklyn-based artist specializing in immersive photographic installations that utilize light projection and custom designs. Inspired by his background in hospitality, Blue strives to create positive and transformative experiences for his subjects. His renowned "Light Baths" series leverages projected light to transform the human body into an interactive canvas, allowing participants to express themselves in unique ways.

Blue's work has been featured in exhibitions across the United States and internationally. He frequently collaborates with musicians and performers, incorporating his distinct artistic aesthetic into their stage performances and videos. Some of the notable art fairs he's participated in include Satellite Art Show in Miami, FL, and The Other Art Fair in Brooklyn, NY. Recently, he co-developed an immersive installation during a two-week residency at one of ChaShaMa's Midtown, NY locations.

Always pushing the boundaries of his artistic practice, Blue continually explores new design elements and projections to inspire self-expression while challenging societal norms.

Digital Texture

Jarid Blue
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