Setufe MBE

b.1990, London
Lives and works in London

Panel Discussion Together We Art
LionHeart in Conversation with Max Fraser, LionHeart and Laure Delaporte.
16 NOV 2023
18:30 - 20:00
Cromwell Place, Lavery Studio
About the Artist
Selasi is interested in exploring socially responsive approaches to design, architecture and placemaking, with particular focus on cultural and environmental issues. She is passionate about challenging the status quo and creating opportunities for the disenfranchised to thrive. Selasi Setufe MBE currently works for Be First Regeneration in her home Borough of Barking and Dagenham. As a Senior Architect and Innovative Sites Manager at Be First, she champions high quality design across a variety of projects ranging from large-scale masterplans to facilitating innovative solutions on small sites.
Prior to this role and as a means of seeking out alternative modes of practice, Selasi founded Crystal Design Studios shortly after completing her MArch and worked with Elsie Owusu Architects Ltd as a Lead Project Designer till 2019.
Selasi is co-director of Black Females in Architecture (BFA). Founded in 2018, BFA is a social enterprise and global community supporting a membership of over 450 women of black and black mixed-heritage to elevate and empower each other. The organisation advocates for diversity, race and gender equity in Architecture, Design & Construction industries with a vision to enable BFA members to be represented, visible, and leading the way in shaping the future of our cities.
Selasi was a trustee at the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) where she served as Co-Vice President for Students and Associates and helped establish RIBA Future Architects. She has also been a trustee of Street Space CIC, was Chair of the NLA’s Next Gen Sounding Board and was a co-host of the Open City podcast. More recently Selasi has been a judge for the V&A’s 2022 Innovate programme and brief setter for the Design Museum’s 2022 Design Ventura programme.